LavaReef 1 MIDI, rendered by Sega, edited by myself, and courtesy of Sonic HQ.

There are many different MUCKs (Multi User Chat Kingdoms) available online through telnet. Here is a list of my favorite sites. On these particular MUCKs, you can interact with, and role-play as "furries" - human-like animals like Sonic, Sally, Tails, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and many more! If your browser does not have a telnet plug-in, click here to download MudSock, a great plug-in!

FurryMUCK (FM) - telnet - WWW

FurToonia (FT) - telnet - WWW

SocioPolitical Ramifications (SPR) - telnet - WWW

SpinDizzy - telnet - WWW

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